
Tantric Lingam Massage

This massage aims to completely relax the client’s body while prolonging the waves of pleasure in the mind and body. It is important not to confuse a Lingam massage with foreplay, masturbation, or sexual massage. This would be going against everything we preach about being able to achieve the expansion of energetic sexual awareness.

Lingam is a Sanskrit word that designates the male sexual organ: in literal translation it means “stick of light” (Curious). In Tantra, the Lingam is respectfully seen and honored, as the “stick of light” that channels creative energy and pleasure and has to be respected.

During the Lingam massage at Gold Hand Therapy, you are treated with the utmost care and attention from the beginning. Not for the money you have paid, but for choosing to invest your time in enhancing your quality of life.

Before we activate and expand the sexual energy, we take time to relax the mind and calm the body. This approach will ensure you experience the full ecstasy of awakening to who you want to be and where you want to go. As Hana used to say, “you need to release your mind, which is full of external problems, for the journey to begin”.

The Lingam Massage is carried out with very specific and elaborate touches and maneuvers. These are performed alternately on the intimate parts, across the front, back throughout the body. The massage will use a variety of touches and stretches, with the aim of bringing greater oxygenation and blood to the entire pelvic area. This activates reflexological points and provides varied sensations that a man rarely has the opportunity to experience.

Due to societal construction, the demands on male sexuality are great. The notion that men don’t fail, must be virile, need to be well endowed and cannot fail at the right team means several unconscious feelings are carried throughout life. These bring a significant weight as a result of conditioning the mind to believe that “we always have to be ready to satisfy the other”.

This results in failure as we forget to satisfy ourselves and resort to other stimuli at the time of sexual energy decay. During the Tantric Energizing Massage at Gold Hand Therapy you will learn to disconnect your mind and break these taboos imposed by society.

The consequence of this will mean you are able to align sexual and spiritual energy with having a sexual performance free of paradigms. Remember, “Pleasure has no gender or sex, pleasure is about who you want to be and where you want to be”.

The journey happens from the inside out. Sexual energy is the most powerful energy that human beings have and the only one capable of generating life. When we value and understand the importance of sexual and spiritual alignment, we are able to achieve the inner peace and confidence that is required of us.

At Gold Hand Therapy you can experience touch without demands, repressions or judgments. You will feel only the neuronal reflexes distributed throughout your body as a wave of pleasure.

These stimuli expand the energy and distribute it through the power meridians in an upward direction to the 7th Chakra (Saashara or Coronary), located at the top of the head. When the energy rises, it produces a series of neuromuscular reflexes, producing excitement in the most sensitive places. Spreading these stimuli to the numbest points, causes your body to have an explosion of different sensations and pleasures. Dry and wet ejaculations may occur. It is important to note that we do not work with the number of times of climax, but with the quality of release that ensures complete and total satisfaction.

Tantric Massage


1 Hour

Fees: £150

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Mon-Fri 9:00am as 10:30pm
Sat - Sun: 10:30am at 8:30pm
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